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J&K Tiger Army pre primary Schools Recruitment 2020. TEACHING AND ASSISTANT TEACHING STAFF REQUIRED FOR ARMY PRE PRIMARY SCHOOLS TAPPS BD Bari, TAPPS Domana, TAPPS Kaluchak, TAPPS Sunjuwan, TAPPS Miran Sahib. PAY AND ALLOWANCE: Negotiable alongwith other Perks. SELECTION PROCESS: Through Written Test and Panel Interview, only candidates who qualify in written test will be
Army Goodwill Public School AGPS Rajouri Jobs Recruitment 2019. AGPS. RAJOURI REQUIRES FOLLOWING TEACHER WITH REQUISITE QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE. Candidate may apply on plain paper giving complete Bio- Data or email to agps2004@yahoo.com. Interview will be conducted on 07.10.2019 at 09:00 A.M at AGPS, Rajouri. Candidates are required to bring original testimonials. Army Goodwill Public
Tiger Army Pre Primary School Bari Brahmana Jobs Recruitment 2019. Applications are invited from female candidates only for the post of Teachers in Army Pre Primary School BD Bari. Post name Teachers Qualification and eligibility: (i) Graduate/Post Graduate with NTT/B.Ed Degree (ii) Basic knowledge of computer (iii) Minimum age 25 years Application to be brought