Tag: Assistant Professor job

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SKUAST Jammu Assistant Professor Jobs

SKUAST Jammu Assistant Professor Jobs Applications are invited in the prescribed format, available on the University website, from candidates for one temporary position on an academic arrangement basis in the School of Biotechnology for of the academic session 2022-23(2nd Semester) & 2023-24(1st Semester). For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App

IGNOU Assistant Professor job recruitment 2019.

IGNOU Assistant Professor job recruitment 2019. Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates, in the prescribed Application Proforma, for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor, in the Academic Level 10 of 7th Central Pay Commission Rs. 57,700/-1,82,400/-, in various Schools of Studies at the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Note: Includes the Backlog
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