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SKIMS Medical College Recruitment 2022. | Associate Professor, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Lecturer Jobs. SKIMS Medical College, Bemina Srinagar Jobs. SKIMS invites applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for filling up the following positions on an Academic Arrangement basis. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates
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HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2017 Engagement of Faculty/ Staff (Academic Arrangement) in GDC Govt. Degree College, Bemina Srinagar. GDC Bemina Jobs Details Applications are invited on plain paper from the eligible candidates along with full biodata (Name, Qualification,Teaching/Work experience, Councils registration Number with validity, Current/Last employment with designation, etc) for engagement of Faculty/ Staff for
Professor, Associate Professor Jobs in Govt Medical College Srinagar Applications on the prescribed format are invited from (Not in Service/Non-PSC), eligible candidates from the permanent Residents of J&K State for engagement of Professors and Associate Professors on “Academic Arrangement basis” in the following Disciplines of Super Specialties Hospital, Government Medical College, Srinagar, initially for