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B. N College of Education Jammu Jobs. Jammu and Kashmir B. N College of Education Jammu jobs: Invites applications for various posts. Jobs Details: MSc (Science) with M.Ed MA (English) with M.Ed YOGA Education OFFICE ASSISTANT COMPUTER KNOWING (EXPERIENCED HOLDER) How to apply Send your resume to: sunjuwanbnccollege@gmail.com. B.N COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SUNJUWAN ROAD JAMMU
B.N College of Education Jammu Jobs recruitment 2020. Application are invited from the desired candidates for the following posts: 1 Principal Qualification PG, M.Ed and Ph.D in Education with 10 years teaching experience at College Level. 2 Lecturer in Education Qualification PG in Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology and M.Ed with 55% marks in each. Or PG