JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.
Jobs in Sparkle Institute. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: English, Hindi, Maths, Science, SSt, Urdu and Computer teacher Spoken English Trainer Personality Development Trainer Office Coordinator only Female Centre Head only Female Marketing Head M/F BSc. Nursing and MSc. Nursing MBA
ITI Jammu Placement/Job Fair. Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement Drive at Govt ITI Jammu, on 6th of May 2023 for ITI trainees (Pass out) as company AEGIOS POLYFILMS PVT. LTD.” is offering campus placement for Electrician, Fitter, Electronics, MMV, R&AC & ICTSM or similar trades for the posts “Associate
ITI Jammu Placement/Job Fair. Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement fair at Joint Directorate of Skill Development, Bikram Chowk, Jammu (Behind Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu) on 10th of May’ 2023 form trainees (Pass out) (Only for J&K Residents) as a reputed company “Fix Guru, Greater Kailash, Jammu’ is offering campus placement
Placement Drive for ITI trainees in Jammu Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement Drive at Joint Directorate of Skill Development, Bikram Chowk, Jammu| (Behind Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu) on 03rd of April’ 2023 for ITI trainees (Pass out) (Open recruitment) as a company “Revant Communications” is offering campus placement for Electrician,
Jammu Placement / Job Fair for ITI trainees. Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement fair at Joint Directorate of Skill Development, Bikram Chowk, Jammu (Behind Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu) on 27th of March 2023 for ITI trainees (Pass out) (Only for J&K Residents) as a company “Engineering Training and Calibration Laboratory”
Placement Fair ITI Jammu. Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement fair at Joint Directorate of Skill Development, Bikram Chowk, Jammu (Behind Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu) on 11th of March 2023 for ITI trainees (Pass out) (Only for J&K Residents) as a company “Saini Refrigeration, Jammu (Authorised service cen- tre of Bluestar
ITI Jammu Placement Fair. Skill Development Department, J&K Jammu is going to organize a placement fair at Joint Directorate of Skill Development, Bikram Chowk, Jammu (Behind Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu) on 09th of March 2023 for ITI trainees (Pass out) (Only for J&K Residents) as a reputed company “Fix Guru, Greater Kailash, Jammu” is offering campus
Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh Polytechnic Admission 2022. Admission for three (03) years of diploma courses in the polytechnics of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh Polytechnic Admission 2022 for the session 2022 The last date for filing of online application forms for three (03) years of diploma admission in the polytechnics UT J&K and UT Ladakh for
Placement drive by TATA Motors under Udaan TATA MOTORS want to select ‘’Trainee Service Manager” ‘at authorized dealership / TASS / Part distributors of TATA MOTORS. NAME OF POST : Trainee Service Manager ELIGIBILITY: Engineering graduates /Diploma engineers from an AICTE approved college in the discipline of mechanical /automobile/electrical/production/manufacturing are eligible to apply for the scheme.
GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Office of the Chief Co-ordinator, Continuing Education Programme (IRG) Principal, Govt. Polytechnic, Bikram Chowk, Jammu Website: www.govtpolytechnicjammu.edu.in Er. Ritu Jamwal Email: –govtpolyjammu@gmail.com Principal ADMISSION NOTICE Applications on the prescribed format accompanied by a bank draft are invited from the candidates for the following Vocational Job Oriented Courses under Continuing Education