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Banyan International School BIS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020. BIS Jammu Teaching and Non-teaching Jobs. How to apply. All PGTs & TGTs can also apply. Apply within 7 days Apply with full Bio-Data at tho school office at Jeevan Nagar, Bablana or email at carrers@blsjammu.in Contact Number: 90860 93561. 90860 93562
Banyan International School BIS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019. Requires qualified staff for the following post: 1 PRT: English & SST Qualified candidate with good spoken and written English with graduate in the subject with B.Ed. 2 Student Counselor: MA in Psychology Note: 1. The candidate for the above post must be fluent in English. 2. Experienced
British International School BIS Jammu various Jobs. BIS Jammu invites application for various posts. Complete details are given below. International Boards/ Curriculum and books. We are looking for best faculty member who are experienced and fluent in English should apply. BIS is affiliated with IGCSE and Using International Books from (UK). Candidate may apply within
British International School BIS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019, various posts. BIS Invites applications for following posts Vice Principal, TGT & PRT, PRO, Secretary, Sports Coach, Lady Coach (swimming), Accountant, IT Head, Activity Teacher, Computer Operator Diploma / Degree, Language Teacher Germen/French, Librarian, Lab Asst., Nanny, Peon, and Driver. Note: Experienced and fluent in English will be