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Jamkash Trucking Jobs Recruitment 2023. TATA Motors Jammu Jobs. Opportunity to join JAMKASH TRUCKING PVT. LTD. REQUIRES BRANCH MANAGER Minimum graduate. MBA preferred Min expenence 8 years m Commercial Sales, out of which 3-4 years, must be in team handling position. WORKS MANAGER (Male) Diploma in Automobile with good commurvcaton skills. 8-10 years Service experience
Jobs in Banday Impex Srinagar. Jobs in Banday Impex Srinagar offers jobs of Manager production, Area sales manager, Data operator, Branch Manager, Quality manager, etc. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the Posts: Manager
Bajaj Paris Automobiles Jobs Recruitment 2021. Paris Automobiles is hiring for its Srinagar & Anantnag Branch & requires young and dynamic staff for the below positions: Name of the Posts : FOR ANANTNAG : BRANCH MANAGER WORKS MANAGER SALES CONSULTANT BILLING EXECUTIVE COMPUTER OPERATOR CRE RECEPTIONIST MECHANICS, WASHERS & HOUSEKEEPING FOR SRINAGAR LOCATION : GM
AMUL Job Recruitment for Srinagar. Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (AMUL) is the largest food product marketing organization with an annual turnover exceeding Rs. 33000 crores. Looking for Branch Manager for Srinagar Location. The candidate should be graduate in any discipline with post graduation in management from well recognized institute. He should also have