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Calliope College of Education Jobs Librarian, Lecturer posts. Invites application for Librarian posts, B.Lib. or M.Lib. Lecturer in Physical Science, Biological Science, Commerce, Hindi, and Environmental Science. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Librarian, Qualification B.Lib. or M.Lib. Name of the post:
Calliope College 0f Education Doomi Akhnoor Jammu Jobs. Applications via email along with photocopies of all testimonials & two passport size photographs are invited for the following posts through email before 10-12-2020. Jobs Details: 1 Principal. M.A/ M.Sc, M.Ed with minimum 55% marks, Ph.D in Education, 8 years of Experience in Teacher Education. 2 Assistant.