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Central University Jammu jobs recruitment 2022. | Research Associate (RA) | last date 15 Feb 2022. J&K Central University Jammu jobs Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following assignment on a purely time bound basis for DRDO sponsored research project under Kalam Centre of Science and Technology (KCST), Central University of Jammu to
Central University Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 . Applications are invited from Indian nationals to work as ‘Student Internship’ in a research project entitled “Selective removal of inhibitors found in lignocellulosic hydrolysates and simultaneous conversion of mixed sugars into bio-ethanol using microbial consortium” (SERB Project file no. ECR/2018/000672) sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
Central University Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021 Guest Faculty. Central University Jammu Jobs: Applications are invited from suitable candidates interested to be empanelled as Guest Faculty in Central University of Jammu for Academic Session 2021-22. Department/Programme/Centre : Zoology, Comparative Religions and Civilizations, Physics & Astronomical Sciences, Educational Studies, Botany, Chemistry & Chemical Sciences, HRM&OB, Mathematics. Honorarium:
Central University Jammu JRF Jobs Recruitment 2021. Applications are invited from Indian nationals to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a research project entitled“Application of water–stable metal organic frameworks (WMOF) for the detection of odorants and emerging pollutants/pesticides in waste water(SERB Project file no.ECR/2018/001716)”sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board(SERB),Government of India. No.of Position:
Central University Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021 | JRF posts | 20th June 2021. Jammu and Kashmir Central University Jammu Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, DRDO Sponsored Research Project, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. Central University Jammu Jobs Details. Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following assignment ona purely
Central University of Jammu Jobs 2021. CUJ Jobs 2021: JRF Job Opportunities in Central University of Jammu Under Kalam Centre for Science and Technology (KCST). Central University of Jammu Jobs details. The following staff is required for DRDO sponsored project: Name of the Posts : Junior Research Fellow (JRF) — Total number of Posts No.
Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021 Junior Scientific Assistant, Sampler Operators posts. CU Jammu Jobs: Walk in interview in Central University of Jammu Advertisement for One post of Junior Scientific Assistant and Five posts of Sampler Operators in a research project (Ref: Order No:- 34-JKPCB) entitled “Source apportionment of aerosols and carrying capacity in
Central University Jammu RA Jobs Recruitment 2021 Research Associate, Field Investigator posts. CU Jammu Jobs: Applications are invited for the following positions (purely on temporary/ contract basis) under the ICSSR sponsored major research project entitled “Creating Skill Landscape of Human Capital Through Vocational Education in Tourism at School and Undergraduate Level: Challenges and Opportunities in
Central University Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021. Central University Jammu Field Investigator Jobs: CU Jammu invites applications on prescribed format for the following assignment on a purely temporary and time bound basis for National Commission for Women (NCW) sponsored research project title ” Cyber Security-Challenges under Cyber Space Specially for Women users” to be undertaken in
Central University of Jammu (CU Jammu) Jobs Recruitment 2020. Research Assistant, Technical Assistant Central University Jammu Jobs. Central University of Jammu latest employment notification update. Central University of Jammu Jobs walk in interview is called for eligible candidates for the following contractual position (Purely Contractual in nature) in different centres of School of Education (Pandit