Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.
District Court Srinagar Recruitment 2024 The Office of the Principal District and Sessions Judge, Srinagar has invited Offline applications from eligible candidates for filling up the 24 Class IV Posts in District Judiciary Srinagar. The selected candidates will get a monthly salary upto 63,200/-. As per the official Notification of District Court Srinagar Recruitment 2024, the applicant should be a
SKUAST Jammu DV Notice for Various Post. Document verification of candidates falling under consideration zone for the posts of (i) Security Guard, (ii) Animal Attendant and (iii) Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents -reg Consequent upon the declaration of result of written test held on 04.12.2022 for the posts
Eklavya Model Residential School EMRS Recruitment 38480 vacancies. National Education Society for Tribal Students, NESTS has released the EMRS recruitment 2023 rules notice for teaching and non-teaching posts. The notification for 38480 Teaching, Non-Teaching posts at Eklavya Model Residential School is available to interested candidates on the official site of EMRS at Name of
Kashmir Public School Jobs recruitment 2022. Job in Kashmir Public School. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Interview: Date of interview/interaction 31 dec 2022 (Saturday) Registration open pre-nursery to class 8th limited seats available salary no bar for right candidate Cell Nos. 7006104730,9906207226 Email.
SKUAST Screening/Written Examination for Non-Teaching Post. In continuation to University Notice no. AUJ/Secy./22-23/F-137(P-1)/6477 dated 17.11.2022, it is once again. notified for the information of all the concerned that SKUAST-Jammu is conducting the Screening/Written Examination, as per the already notified syllabus for the direct recruitment of the applicants who have applied against the advertisement notifications issued
HQ Northern Command jobs Recruitment 2022, 79 posts. Barber, Chowkidar, Cook, Washerman, Safaiwali, Tradesman, Mate Ward, Sahayika, LDC, Messenger, Safaiwala Vacancy. HQ Northern Command jobs Application from eligible Indian Citizens are invited for the posts as indicated below. Application form as duly completed in all respects along with all requisite documents, duly self-attested,
ECHS Polyclinic, Samba Recruitment 2020. EX-SERVICEMEN CONTRIBUTORY HEALTH SCHEME (ECHS) (STATION HEADQUARTERS, SAMBA) Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) invites applications to engage following staff on contractual basis in ECHS Polyclinic, Samba for a period of one year. Dental Assistant -01, Clerk-01 and Nursing Assistant -02 For Terms & conditions, application form, Remuneration kindly sees our
Department of Horticulture Recruitment of Class ivth posts J&K Horticulture Department class ivth jobs DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE DISTRICT GANDERBAL. Govt jobs aspirants of J&K. Department of Horticulture district Ganderbal invites applications on prescribed format from interested eligible candidates of District Ganderbal (other districtsas well in case of schedule caste candidates only) for direct recruitment Class-IV