May 1, 2020
JKBOSE Mass promotion of HSP-I (Class XI) 2019-2020. UT of Ladakh.

JKBOSE Mass promotion of HSP-I (Class XI) 2019-2020. UT of Ladakh. JKBOSE Mass promotion of the students of HSP-I (Class XI) 2019-2020 Annual-Biannual Private (UT of Ladakh). Reference:-Letter No.Secy/Edu/ UTL/Mass promotion/2020/3943-47 dated 28-04-2020 of OSD with Secretary, School Education Department, Ladakh. Whereas, the examination of Private fresh/failure/reappear candidates of HSP-l(Class XI) 2019-2020/Annual-Biannual belonging to Ladakh