Tag: CUK

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CUK extends winter vacation till 14 Feb.

CUK extends winter vacation till 14 Feb. The Central University of Kashmir (CUK) on Thursday announced extension of winter vacation till February-14. “Due to inclement weather conditions and ongoing student internship programs outside Jammu & Kashmir, the university has decided to resume its offline classwork from February 17,” reads a communique of CUK. The notification

Central University of Kashmir Walk-In-Interview

Central University of Kashmir Walk-In-Interview The Central University of Kashmir requires Teaching Assistants on a contractual basis in the Department of Law, English, Information Technology, Mathematics, and B.Voc (Retail & Logistic Management Program). Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App

Central University of Kashmir Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants walk in interview.

Central University of Kashmir Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants walk in interview. Jammu and Kashmir CUK Walk in interview. Central University of Kashmir requires Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants on contractual basis for teaching the subject of Botany in the School of Life Science. Interested eligible candidates can appear in the walk-in-interview to be conducted on 17-12-2020 (10:30 am

CUK Jobs Guest Faculty walk in interview.

CUK Jobs Guest Faculty walk in interview. The School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir has to engage three Guest Faculty for teaching Procedural Law subjects in different semesters of BA.LLB. The candidates possessing the following qualifications can Walk in Interview in the Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat at Green Campus on 25th November, 2020 at

Central University Kashmir Postponement of Interview.

Central University Kashmir Postponement of Interview. Central University Kashmir CUK This is for the information of all the concerned candidates that the interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce scheduled to be held on 6th July, 2020 stands postponed. The fresh dates of interview shall be notified separately.

Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2020.

Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2020. CUK Jobs Guest Faculty walk in interview. The School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir has to engage three Guest Faculty for teaching Procedural Law subjects in different semesters of BA.LLB. The candidates possessing the following qualifications can Walk in Interview in the Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat at Green Campus
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