Tag: CUK

Various Exam Answer key

75% candidates appear in CUCET-2019.

75% candidates appear in CUCET-2019: VC, Registrar, CoE laud staff for successful conduct of entrance test Out of 8116 candidates who had applied for Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET-2019), about 75 per cent appeared in the entrance examination at different centres on May 25 and 26, 2019, respectively for admission to various Postgraduate, Under

Central University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019 Teaching Job CUK.

Central University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019 Teaching Job CUK. Central University Kashmir CUK notification update. Applications are invited for appointment of various teaching positions on substantive basis in the following departments: Post Name Teaching Faculty: Convergent Journalism, Economics, Education,Teacher Education, English, Law, Mathematics, Politics & Governance, Tourism Studies, Urdu, Animal Sciences (Zoology), Physics, Religious

Central University of Kashmir CUK Junior Research Assistant job

Advertisement  For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App Central University of Kashmir CUK Junior Research Assistant job. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as a Junior Research Assistant in the Department of Convergent, Journalism, School of Media Studies. CUK Sponsored Minor Research Project entitled “Working on media managers and journalists in

Central university of Kashmir CUK walk in interview

Advertisement  Get Free Jobs Notification on Mobile Phone CUK  Central university of Kashmir  Walk in interview for the posts of Draftsman Central University of Kashmir invites applications for the posts of Draftsman on contractual basis. Interested eligible candidates can appear in the Walk-In-lnterview to be conducted in the office chamber of the Registrar, Central University
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