JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.
AM Tata Jobs Recruitment 2023 AM Tata Jammu invites applications for various vacancies in Sales, Service, EDP, Customer care, Accounts REQUIRES CANDIDATES FOR THE BELOW-MENTIONED POSTS: SALES 1. Sales Consultant: Male/Female Graduate with 2-3 years in the Relevant Field 2. Receptionist: Female Graduate with 1-2 years in the Relevant Field 3. Driver: Male Experience of
Jobs in Learnet Skills. Learnet Skills requires full time Mobilisers and Trainers for various jobroles: IT, Retail, Customer Care, CRM, Hospitality, & Soft Skills Trainers for various international and national Skill Development programs at their Jammu (Kunjwani) Centre. Name of the post: Mobilisers and Trainers Note: Mobilisers can be based out of anywhere in J&K
AM Tata Jobs Recruitment 2023. AM Tata Jobs Jammu: Requires candidates for the below-mentioned posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. AM Tata SMAM Auto Mart Jammu Jobs Details: Sales 1. Sales Consultant: Male/Female Graduate with 2-3 years in the Relevant Field For Different Locations: Jammu,
Pal Jay Automobiles Kia Motors Jobs Recruitment 2021. PAL JAY Automobiles, a proud dealer partner of Kia Motors, is looking for enthusiastic automotive professionals who are ready to challenge the status quo. Come join us on this exciting journey, Write to us at info@palkia.in, hr@palkia.in PAL JAY Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. National Highway, Narwal Bye-Pass Road.
Jio GigaFiber broadband plan details and prices in J&K. Jio GigaFiber has been one of the most anticipated products in the broadband industry this year. Renamed to JioFiber broadband, the new broadband service from Jio is expected to offer high-quality services at lower-than-average industry prices. Jio has already given us a rough idea of how