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DPS Jammu Jobs recruitment 2022. Jammu and Kashmir Delhi Public School DPS Jammu Jobs: Interested eligible candidates can apply below given posts. DPS Jammu jobs details: Name of the Posts : ACADEMIC OFFICER BURSER TEACHING POSITIONS ( PGT, TGT, PRT ) SPORTS/ACTIVITY TEACHERS LAW OFFICER DOCTOR TRANSPORT ASSISTANT OTHER POSITIONS Special Educator (B.Ed with Special
GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021. | Registrars/Demonstrators | last date 20-10-2021. Jammu and Kashmir Govt. Medical College Jammu GMC Jammu Jobs: Applications are invited from PSC/Non PSC doctors Jobs for the tenure post of Registrars/Demonstrators in the following disciplines of this college for a maximum period of three year as per SPO 25 of 2013