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Drivers Jobs in Srinagar, Kashmir. Drivers Jobs in Srinagar, Kashmir. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: 3 WHEELER DRIVERS (10 NO.) Preference: Candidates from Srinagar, Awantipora, Lethpora, Ladoo Pampore, and Kakpora will be preferred. Qualification: Minimum 10th, with 5 years of driving
Vacancies in O2Z Trading & Industries Pvt. Ltd. O2Z Trading & Industries Pvt. Ltd. offers jobs for Civil engineers, accountants, drivers, supervisors and office assistants. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post Job
Private jobs in Srinagar 69 Posts. IA Multi Ventures Pvt Ltd Private jobs in Srinagar 2022. Interested and eligible candidates can read the below-given details and can apply for the posts. IA Multi Ventures Pvt Ltd Srinagar Jobs Details: Name of the Posts : Finance Executive: 01 Posts Salary: Rs.15,000 to 20,000/- Area Sales Manager:
IA Multi Ventures Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2021. Logistics Managers (2) 25 – 30k Minimum Qualification – MBA Finance / Retail Management from a reputed university Sales Team Leader (1) 20k + incentives Minimum Qualification – MBA Marketing / Retail Management from a reputed university Logsitics Executive (2) 15 – 20k Minimum Qualification -M.com / MBA
Various Private jobs in Srinagar Kashmir 92 posts. 1. Accountants: 08 [M.com/MBA in Finance,with min 2 years of experience.] 2. Pathologists: 10 [M.sc plant pathology.] 3. Pomologists: 10 [M.sc fruit science] 4. VP HR: 03 [MBA in HR with 12 years of experience] Email your C.V at (shagoo.urooj@thefarm2u.com/9906602764) 5. Operations Assistant: 20 [Graduate with minimum