JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.
Nitya Laboratories Chemist, Clerical Staff Jobs. Nitya Laboratories, located in Channi Himmat, Jammu, is currently recruiting for several roles, including Chemists with expertise in Gas Chromatography (GC) and Clerical staff. This opportunity is open to candidates with different levels of experience, offering roles in analytical and administrative positions. Recruitment Details and Eligibility: Chemist (GC Expert)
Dogra College of Education Jobs. Applications on prescribed form available on the college website www.dogracollegeofeducation.com are invited for the following posts for B.Ed. Programme. Name of the Post: Assistant Professor (Perspectives in Education/ Foundation Courses) Pedagogy subject (Hindi, English, Commerce, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physical Science, Biological Science, Social Science) Health & Physical Education
Jobs in Sai Shyam College of Education. Applications on plain paper along with testimonials & two recent pass- port size photographs are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts within 10 days. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Principal for College
CAT orders Stay on JKSSB Forester Posts Central Administrative Tribunal has stayed the selection process of the recently advertised Forester Post Jammu Kashmir Forest Department had recently re-advertised various Forester posts vide notification number 4 of 2022 dated 27.07.2022, while the qualification for these posts had been prescribed as “10+2 or equivalent qualification with science
University of Kashmir Walk-in-Interview The interested and eligible candidates are invited for walk-in-interview fo be held on 15 June 2022 (Wednesday) at 2:30 PM sharp in the office of the Director, Cente of Research for Development (CORD) for filling a single position of “Research Personnel’ available under the National Development Foundation (NDF/ Department of Wildlife
National College of Education NCE Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts: How to apply Interested candidates may apply on or before 27/11/2020 by post or through email at nce2001jamwalgroup@gmail.com | NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Purkhoo Camp, Domana, Jammu, J&K Ph. Nos. 9086714708, 9419224708, 0191-2604464, 2604032
Calliople College of Education Jammu invites application for Lecturer in Physical Science, Biological Science, Social Science, Environmental Science, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Computer Education, Performing Arts (Music, Dance, Theatre) Fine Arts, Health & Physical Education, Lecturer in Education. Applications are invited from the desired candidates for the following posts: 1) Lecturer in Physical Science, Biological Science, Social
Advertisement For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App Institute of Management, Public Administration & Rural Development JK IMPA & RD Recruitment 2018 – 19 J&K Institute of Management, Public Administration & Rural Development JK IMPA & RD Recruitment 2018. Latest jobs notification for the posts Resource Person in the Centre for Disaster Management and Environmental Studies
Government Degree Colleges of Jammu Division Cluster University Recruitment for academic session 2017-18. Application are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as lecturer, librarian & Physical Training Instructor (PTI) and Assistant Lecturer, Assistant Librarian & Assistant Physical Training Instructors, on academic arrangement basis, in Government Degree Colleges of Jammu Division, Jkalerts.com will provide you the
JKPSC Revised Interview Schedule for the post of Assistant Professor Environmental Science in Higher Education Department JKPSC Revised Interview Schedule for the post of Assistant Professor Urdu in Higher Education Department