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Fairdeal Auto Motors Jobs Jammu. A number of vacancies are available at Fairdeal Auto Motors Jobs Jammu, a recently opened dealership in Jammu. They are seeking committed people that have a strong desire to leave a legacy of integrity and excellence. Jammu Jobs Vacancies: The company is seeking candidates for diverse roles including VP Sales,
SAIL Management Trainee Jobs. Steel Authority Of India Limited (SAIL) has advertised a notification for the recruitment of Management Trainee (Technical, Finance, HR & Other) Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. Name of the post: Management Trainee (Technical) 05
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Recruitment of ASSISTANT OFFICERS in Finance. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IndianOil) is India’s flagship oil & gas major and top commercial enterprise with a sales turnover of Rs 6,05,924 crore and profit after tax of Rs 16,894 crore for the year 2018-19. The Corporation operates one of Asia’s largest refineries, pipelines
JKSSB Selection list of candidates for the post of “Inspector” Finance Department. JKSSB Notification, JKSSB Updates, JKSSB Selection lists Inspector, Finance Department. Post name: Inspector Department J&K Finance Department Cadre State Cadre Item No 169 (05 of 2015) Download JKSSB Selection list of candidates under SRO-202 for the post of “Inspector” Finance Department).
Advertisement Get Free Jobs Notification on Mobile Phone Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) Recruitment 2018 In the Latest Employment Notification JKEDI invites applications for Senior Manager in Personal and Administration, Finance and Accounts Departments. The Institute proposes to fill the following positions created in the Pay Scale of 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-(pre-revised) on
JKSSB Selection List of Junior Assistant in various govt departments in State cadre, Kashmir Division, Jammu Division Selection List of candidates under SRO 202 dated 30.06.2015 for the post of Junior Assistant (Forest, Civil Aviation, Labour Employment, Co-Operative, Hospitality & Protocoal, Tourism & Culture, Finance, Higher Education, Housing & Urban Development, Agriculture Production, Rural Development
Selection list of candidates for the post of Data Entry Operator (Relief and Rehabilitation Department) Selection list of candidates for the post of Data Entry Operator (Finance Department) Selection list of candidates for the post of Data Entry Operator (Social Welfare Department)
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