Tag: General Medicine

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GMC Kathua Senior Resident Jobs.

GMC Kathua Senior Resident Jobs. GMC Kathua invited applications from PSC and Non-PSC doctors (Domicile of UT of J&K) for the tenure posts of Senior Resident in various disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Kathua. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. The details of the posts are

New GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2020.

GMC Kathua Recruitment 2020. GMC Kathua walk in interview Demonstrator in various disciplines of GMC Kathua. GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE KATHUA WALK-IN INTERVIEW NOTICE FOR DEMONSTRATOR Applications are invited from Non-PSC doctors for the tenure posts of Demonstrator in various disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Kathua for a maximum period of two years. Walk-in-interview will be
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