Tag: Government of Jammu & Kashmir

Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.

Appointment of Chairperson and Members vacancies.

Appointment of Chairperson and Members vacancies in J&K Water Resources Regulatory Authority. Jal Shakti Department Jobs Applications are invited from interested persons for the following vacant posts in Jammu and Kashmir Water Resources Regulatory Authority: Interested eligible candidates can apply for the given below posts For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our

SKIMS Interview Schedule.

SKIMS Interview Schedule. The interview of the candidates for the posts of Scientist-C, Social Worker cum Data Entry Operator, and short-listed applicants for the post of Lab-Technician-III (refer to Annexure-I) under ICMR funded project titled, “Task force study for evaluation of community level acceptability, scalability and linkage within the health system of ICMR pre-validated LABIKE

SKIMS Soura Jobs Recruitment 2022 Senior Residents

SKIMS Soura Jobs Recruitment 2022 Senior Residents SKIMS Soura Jobs Online applications are invited on prescribed forms from the eligible candidates for engagement as Stipendiary Senior Residents in departments as per ANNEXURE-A on tenure basis for a period of one year extendable by a period of another two years depending upon the requirements for patient-care
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