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Teachers Jobs in Hill grange school. Educators required. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Positions: Mathematics. Geography. Zoology/biology teacher. Computer Kashmiri Qualifications: Minimum master degree with B.Ed. Candidate must have prior experience Salary: Handsome salary with incentives & perks will be given to the right candidate.
Jobs in Jamie Power Private Limited Srinagar, Pulwama, Sopore, Baramulla, Handwara, Kupwara, Budgam, Ganderbal and Bandipora Vacant Authorised Dealer of Force Motors Ltd. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: Mail your CV at: forcejamie@gmail.com Name of the post: Marketing sales executives For area
JKPSC Written Test of Assistant Professor GMC Handwara. Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC notification in continuation to Notices dated 12.04.2023, 28.04.2023, and 01.05.2023, it is for information of all the eligible candidates who have applied for the post of Assistant Professor Community Medicine, GMC, Handwara, that the Written Examination (Objective Type) for shortlisting
Sex racket busted in Village Reshipora Handwara. Sex racket busted by PS Kralgund in Village Reshipora. 05 persons including house owner and his wife were arrested and cash amounting to Rs 47800 was also recovered on spot. Case FIR No. 37/2023 under relevant sections of law regd. in PS Kralgund.
Indian army recovered a huge cache of ammunition from Handwara. J&K | In a joint operation with Handwara Police, the Indian army recovered a huge cache of ammunition, that is 720 rounds of 7.62 mm (most likely of Chinese origin), 05 rounds of RPGs, 09 booster tubes of RPG and 10 x UBGL Grenades(most likely
Various Jobs in Jamie Power Pvt. Ltd. Srinagar. Authorized Dealer of Force Motors Ltd. Jamie Power Pvt. Ltd. Srinagar. requires Accountant, Technician, Electricians, washer etc. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Marketing sales executives For Areas Srinagar, Pulwama, Shopian, Sopore, Baramullah, Anantnag,
Encounter has started at Ganipora Kralgund area of Handwara. Encounter has started at Ganipora Kralgund area of Handwara. Two militants killed. Joint operation in progress. Police and security forces are on the job. Further details shall follow
Jamie Power Pvt Ltd. authorised dealer Force Motors J&K Recruitment. In the latest employment notification application are invited for various posts. The various vacant position in J&K Force Motors are Assistant Sales Manager, Sales Executive, Team Leader, Accountant. Advertisement For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App Jamie Power Pvt Ltd. Force Motors Jobs