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Govt Creates 178 Posts for High Court of J&K and Ladakh. Creation of 178 posts in different categories for the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Sanction is hereby accorded to the creation of following 178 (One hundred seventy eight) posts in different categories to the extent number of posts shown against each
Cluster University of Jammu Recruitment Cluster University of Jammu is inviting applications for various posts including Assistant Registrar, Section Officer, Head Assistant and Accountant. Recruitment Details: Posts: Assistant Registrar, Section Officer, Head Assistant and Accountant. Eligibility: Retired or likely to be retired candidates with experience of working in the University System / J&K Government Department
Dogra Law College jobs recruitment 2023. Principal, Assistant Professor, Teaching Assistant, PTI, Librarian, SO, Head Assistant vacancies. Jammu Jobs : DOGRA LAW COLLEGE invites applications for the following posts How to apply Eligible candidates may submit their resume along with application in College Office or via email detdogra@gmail.com latest by 16.01.2023. Retired eligible persons be
Cluster University Jammu merit lists for the appointment of Section officer, Hostel Warden, Personal Assistant, Head Assistant. Merit list of candidates for the appointment of Section Officer. Merit list of candidates for the appointment of Hostel Warden. Merit list of candidates for the appointment of Personal Assistant. Merit list of candidates for the appointment
Cluster University of Jammu notification regarding posts Head Assistant, Section Officer and Hostel Warden. Post Name Head Assistant, Section Officer and Hostel Warden. Department Cluster University Jammu. Cluster University Jammu Notification – Regarding for the Post of Head Assistant, Section Officer and Hostel Warden.
Cluster University Srinagar CU Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2019. In latest fresh notification application are invited for P.A., Head Assistant, Jr. Librarian, Hostel Warden, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Library Assistant, Lab. Assistant, Lab. Bearer, Library Bearer, Library Attendant ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE NO: 01 OF 2019. Name of post P.A., Head Assistant, Jr. Librarian, Hostel Warden, Senior Assistant,
J&K Directorate of Sainik Welfare Jobs Recruitment. Invites applications for Zila Sainik Welfare Offices at Akhnoor, R S Pura and Reasi for Head assistant, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Welfare Organizer, Peon-cum- Chowkidar Application forms should reach their concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Office by 30 Sep 2018. Jkalerts will provide you the complete detail about J&K Govt and Private
CLUSTER UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU CLUJAMMU RECRUITMENT 2018 Govt Jobs Jammu, Employment News 2018 ,The Cluster University of Jammu invites applications from the permanent resident of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (possessing PRC). The Various Jobs in Cluster University Jammu are Section Officer , P.A. 0, Head Assistant ,Junior Librarians,Hostel Warden , Senior Assistant , Junior Assistants , Library Assistants , Laboratory