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SKUAST Kashmir Jobs 2023. This is notified for the information of all the candidates who have applied for the post(s) of Mason advertised vide University advertisement notice no. 03 of 2022 dated 01-08-2022 issued vide endorsement no. AU/Adm/(GAD)/Adv-NT/2022/7580-99 dated 01-08-2022, that the Trade/Skill test shall be held by the designated committee constituted for the purpose
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ITI Handwara Jobs recruitment 2022. ITI Handwara Jobs : Applications are invited in the prescribed format for engagement of Guest Faculty for the academic session 2022-24, from the permanent residents of, UT of J&K within the age group of 18 to 40 ITI Handwara, The application forms can be had from the office of
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Government of Jammu & Kashmir Office of the Principal Industrial Training Institute, Baramulla TEL/FAX: 0195236924, 01952236497 SELECTION LIST List of the candidates provisionally selectedforadmission to various courses of this institution purely on the basis of merit obtained by applicants in their qualifying examination for the session March-April 2015 subject to submission / verification of the