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Jammu University jobs Project Fellow (JRF) position. Jammu University applications are invited from eligible candidates for one position (01) of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in an ONGOING project sanctioned by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB). The position is initially for a period of one year extendable till the completion of the project depending
Jammu University Research Associate Jobs. Jammu University invites job applications from eligible candidates in the prescribed format are invited for Research Associate with consolidated remuneration of Rs. 47,000/- under a Research Project funded by ICSSR, New Delhi under the title: Name of the post: Research Associate Last Date: Within 15 Days from publication of this
Jammu University Project Assistant Jobs. Application from eligible candidates in the prescribed format are invited for the post of one Project Assistant with monthly emoluments of Rs. 10,000/- under JKST&IC- JKDST funded project entitled “Anti-Inflammatory potential of probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolated from unique ecological niches of Jammu & Kashmir”. Name of the post: Project
Jammu University Jobs Apply now. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for one (01) position of Junior Research Fellow with monthly emolument of Rs. 37000/- + HRA in the project sanctioned by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi titled “Development of a fully automated cervical cancer diagnosis system
Jammu University Jobs. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for 02 (two) positions of Research Assistant in the project sanctioned by ICSSR titled “Sikh Community Consciousness on Pre and Abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, India”. Name of the post: Research Assistant The advertised positions are purely temporary with Rs. 16000/
Jammu University Jobs. Applications on plain paper along with bio-data are invited for the post of Project Fellow at a consolidated monthly fellowship of Rs. 15000/- in JK Science Technology & Innovation Council sponsored research project entitled “Assimilating Domain Knowledge using Ontology Mapping for Enhanced Reasoning Capability” for a period of maximum one year. Requirement:
Jammu University Jobs Project Assistant Vacancies. Jammu University Jobs Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the one position (01) of Project Assistant in the project sanctioned by JK Science Technology & Innovation Council (JKST&IC) titled “New metal complexes with phosphor- 1,1 dithiolate ligands: Synthesis, characterization and applications” for a period of one year initially
Jammu University Jobs Project Assistant Vacancies. Jammu UniversityApplications are invited from eligible candidates for 01 (one) position of Project Assistant in the project sanctioned by JK Science Technology & Innovation Council (JKST&IC) titled “Development of Luminescent Lanthanide-Coordination Polymers/ Metal-Organic Frameworks as Chemical Sensors” for a period of one year initially (extendable as per the terms
Jammu University Jobs recruitment 2024 42 posts. Jammu University Jobs Online applications are invited from the Domiciles of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the following positions in the University of Jammu: Name of the post: Junior Engineer , Civil Semi-Professional Assistant Lab. Assistant (Geography) Data Entry Operator Steno-Typist Junior Assistant Section Cutter (Geography)
Jammu University Jobs recruitment 2024 16 vacancies. Jammu university Jobs Online applications are invited from the Domiciles of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the following positions in the University of Jammu. Name of the post: Electronic Assistant Micro Photographer Field zoologist Lecture Assistant (Botany) Lecture Assistant (Zoology) Lecture Assistant (Chemistry) Computer Operator Pharmacist