Tag: JK High Court

Interview Notification from various Govt Department, University, JKSSB, JKPSC, Private Jobs Interviews.

J&K High Court Junior Assistant Computer Operator interview Schedule.

J&K High Court Junior Assistant Computer Operator interview Schedule. J&K High Court list of Shortlisted candidates for interview of Junior Assistant and Computer Operators download pdf. It is notified for the information of all the concerned that: i) the Candidates whose roll numbers are shown in Annexure-“A” to this Notification have been shortlisted for their

J&K High Court Winter vacation from 01 Jan 2021.

J&K High Court Winter vacation from 01 Jan 2021. It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Subordinate Courts of Kashmir Province and the Courts located in District Kishtwar; Judicial District Bhaderwah; Batote, Gool, Banihal and Ukhral in District Ramban and Bani in District Kathua of Jammu Division as well as Courts

J&K High Court District Judges written examination schedule and syllabus notification.

J&K High Court District Judges written examination schedule and syllabus notification. Recruitment of District Judges (Direct Quota) in pursuance to Advertisement Notification No. 1160/GS dated 05-11-2018 – for filling up of 07 posts. J&K High Court Notification. In supersession of all previous Notifications providing the schedule of Written Competitive Examination regarding the subject cited above,

J&K High Court Interview Notice for Research Assistants.

J&K High Court Interview Notice for Research Assistants. Interview Notice for Research Assistants with scheduled date of interview for 14-02-2020 at 10 AM instead of 4 PM (For candidates figuring from Serial No.201 to 257). Notification regarding candidates figuring from Serial No.201 to 250 who have been called for interview( Viva Voce) on 14.02.2020 for
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