October 13, 2020
JK NHM Anantnag Shortlist Candidates applied for various categories of posts and interview schedule.
JK NHM Anantnag Shortlist Candidates applied for various categories of posts and interview schedule. Jammu and Kashmir NHM Anantnag Staff Nurse & Jr. Pharmacist (Allopathic) Interview Schedule. Ref. No- 01:- Advertisement Notification No:- CMO/DRHS/NRHM/20-217867-73, Dated:- 24/08/2020. Ref. No- 02:- Notification for Written Test Vide No:- CMO/DRHS/NRHM/20-21 /1156-62, Dated:-15/09/2020 Whereas, DRHS Anantnag advertised various categories of