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J&K BOTE Postponed theory exams.

J&K BOTE Postponed theory exams. J&K BOTE notified for information of all the students of Jammu and Kashmir Polytechnics that the theory examination of backlog students of 2nd, 4th and 5th Semester scheduled w.e.f 11 /01 /2021 is hereby POSTPONED due to cold weather conditions and will now be held in the month of February

JKBOTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme for Diploma Students 2020.

JKBOTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme for Diploma Students 2020. AWARENESS REGARDING AICTE – PRAGATI & SAKSHAM SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES FOR DIPLOMA STUDENTS (SEEKING ADMISSION IN 2020) PRAGATI SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME OBJECTIVE OF THE SCHEME: Pragati Scheme being implemented by AICTE aimed at providing assistance for the advancement of Girls pursuing technical education. Education is one of the most
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