JKSSB Instructions for submission of application forms for the advertised 292 posts of Junior Engineer (Electrical) from various corporations. JKSSB Instructions The J&K Services Selection Board, vide Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2025 dated 27.02.2025, has advertised 292 posts of Junior Engineer (Electrical) from various corporations of the Power Development Department. Eligible candidates possessing a
JKSSB Instructions for submission of Application forms for the advertised posts. The J&K Services Selection Board, vide Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2024 dated 22.11.2024, has advertised 669 posts of Sub-Inspector in J&K Police, Home Department for inviting application from eligible candidates, who are in possession of a valid Domicile Certificate. The aspirants can submit
Instructions for upcoming JKSSB Exams. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Released the Instructions for Candidates appearing in JKSSB Upcoming Exams. GENERAL CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS 1. The candidate must reach the Examination Centre at the time notified in the Admit Card. 2. No candidate shall be permitted to enter the Examination centre after the Gate
JKSSB instructions for candidates of SI Sub Inspector (Police) written test. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Conduct of OMR based written test for the post of for the posts of Sub Inspector, (Police), Home Department, UT Cadre advertised vide Advertisement Notification No 06 of 2021, Under Item No 668, being conducted on 27th
JKSSB Instructions regarding SI written test for supervisory staff. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Conduct of OMR based written test for the post of for the posts of Sub Inspector, (Police), Home Department, UT Cadre advertised vide Advertisement Notification No 06 of 2021, Under Item No 668, being conducted on 27th of March,
JKSSB Instructions for candidates appearing in CBT exam. Notice regarding Instructions for candidates appearing in Computer Based Written Test (CBT) examination for various posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, Casher, Jr Assistant /Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendant and Welfare Organizer- advertised vide Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and
JKSSB Instructions for candidates appearing in Class iv exam. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board Instructions for candidates appearing in OMR Based Objective Type Written Examination for the posts of Class IV. Through the medium of this notification, following instructions are hereby issued for information of the candidates appearing in the OMR based objective type
JKSSB Instructions for candidates appearing Computer Based Test various Posts. Instructions for candidates appearing in the Computer Based Test(s) (CBTs for various posts) w.e.f 09th to 13th of May, 2019. Opening of the main gate for the candidates as per the Examination Reporting Time shown on admit card. Checking of original admit card along-with Govt.