Tag: Jkssb updates

JKSSB Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. For all latest JKSSB latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB Free Jobs and notification alerts and Updates.

JKSSB final opportunity to appear for DV for Election Assistant posts.

JKSSB final opportunity to appear for DV for Election Assistant posts. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Document Verification of candidates falling under consideration zone for the post of Election Assistant (Junior Scale), Election Department, UT Cadre, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020, dated: 16-12-2020 under Item No. 099 – Provision of

JKSSB Final Selection List for various posts in Health and Medical Education Dept.

JKSSB Final Selection List for Junior Pharmacist, CSSD Assistant, Junior Pharmacist, Theatre Assistant, Jr. Pharmacist, Anesthesia Asstt. Posts in Health and Medical Education Dept. Item No.180 (Junior Pharmacist/Medical Assistant, Divisional Cadre, Jammu), Item No.224 (C.S.S.D. Assistant, DivisionalJammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Final Selection List for the posts under Cadre, Kashmir), Item No.226 (Junior

JKSSB Driving Test Schedule

JKSSB Driving Test Schedule The Driving-Test of the candidates figuring in Annexure-“A” and “B” to this notification who have applied for the posts of Driver(s)/Driver Grade-II/Tractor Driver vide notification(s) 05 of 2021 (Item 721, 722), 02 of 2022 (Item No. 19, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56), Notification No. 04 of 2022 (Item No.

JKSSB Final Selection List/Allocation of Cadres 8575 Posts.

JKSSB Final Selection List/Allocation of Cadres 8575 Posts. JKSSB Final Selection List/Allocation of Cadres in respect of the posts earmarked for Physically Challenged Candidates (Sub-category of Deaf & Hard of Hearing), advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020- Forwarding of Selection thereof In reference to the above captioned subject, it is to inform

JKSSB Result / Scoresheet of Deputy Inspector posts.

JKSSB Result / Scoresheet of Deputy Inspector posts. Jammu and  Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB  Result / Scoresheet of candidates in Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Examination for the Post of Deputy Inspector Fisheries / Equivalent, Animal / Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Divisional Cadre, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2021, under Item

JKSSB Document verification notifications.

JKSSB Document verification notifications. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Released JKSSB Document Verification notification for various posts. Notice regarding Document Verification of candidates falling under consideration zone for the post of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Advertised vide Notification No. 04 of 2021, under item No. 655 (Animal/Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department, UT Cadre). Notice

JKSSB Final Selection List of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV.

JKSSB Final Selection List of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Final Selection List of the candidates for the post of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV in the Horticulture Department, advertised vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under Item Nos. 690 to 709. Post name Horticulture Technician Grade-IV. Department Horticulture Department

JKSSB Notice regarding Document Verification for various posts.

JKSSB Notice regarding Document Verification for various posts. JKSSB Notice regarding Document Verification of additional candidates falling under consideration zone for the posts of Motor Vehicle Inspectors, Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors and Sub Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Transport Department), UT, Divisional Cadre Jammu and Kashmir, Item Nos. 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93 and 94, advertised

JKSSB Horticulture Technician Grade-IV Provisional Selection List..

JKSSB Horticulture Technician Grade-IV Provisional Selection List. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Provisional Selection List of the candidates for the post of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV in the Horticulture Department, advertised vide Notification No.05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under Item Nos. 690 to 709. Post name Horticulture Technician Grade-IV. Department Horticulture Department. Download JKSSB Horticulture

JKSSB Provisional Selection List Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Steno Typist

JKSSB Provisional Selection List Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Steno Typist. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB  Provisional Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer & Steno Typist, for UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various District Cadres, advertised vide Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of
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