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TGT, Aaya Jobs in Army Goodwill School.

TGT, Aaya Jobs in Army Goodwill School. Applications are invited for the appointment of the below-mentioned teaching and non teaching staff for AGS Khanabal. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Army Goodwill School jobs details S. No Appointment Vacancs y Pay Scale (In Rs) Education Qualification

Teacher jobs in Army Goodwill School

Teacher jobs in Army Goodwill School PGT (Urdu). Teacher jobs Applications are invited for the appointment of the below-mentioned teacher for AGS Khanabal. The applicant should have the following qualifications shown against each resume and the application should reach 342 Coy ASC (sup) Type D, Khanabal by 22 july 2022.  Name of the post: Teacher

Army Goodwill School Anantnag Jobs.

Army Goodwill School Anantnag Jobs. J&K Army Goodwill School Anantnag invites interested eligible candidates for Administrative staff on a Contractual Basis. Download Last 12 Months  Current Affairs PDF for upcoming JKSSB Govt Jobs. Download Last 6 month Current Affairs PDF Download Complete Aug Current Affairs Pdf. For all Jobs Updates download jkalerts app: https://goo.gl/MrMdWO. For

Army Goodwill School Jobs Recruitment 2021.

Army Goodwill School Jobs Recruitment 2021. Army Goodwill School Kulgam Teacher jobs: Application alongwith xerox copies of certificate are invited for male/female candidates for the following posts which should reach the office by or before 18 February 2021. Army Goodwill School Jobs and Qualifications Details:  English Teacher: 01 (MA, M.Ed) Science Teacher: 01 (MSc Physics/Chemistry)


ARMY GOODWILL SECONDARY SCHOOL CHANDIGAM & ARMY GOODWILL SCHOOL, KRUSAN (LOLAB) KUPWARA (J&K) Applications invited for the selection of following teachers at Army Goodwill Secondary School, Chandigam and Army Goodwill School, Krusan :- Posts Subject Qualification Army Goodwill Secondary School, Chandigam PGTs Physics and Mathematics teacher Post Graduate with B.Ed in relevant subject Librarian 10

Jobs in Army Goodwill School

ARMY GOODWILL SCHOOL, HANZIK JOBS Applications on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts along with attested qualification and experience certificate at Army Goodwill School, Hanzik (Budgam). SERNO NAME OF POST QUALIFICATION PAY BAND 01. TGT (Social studies) MA(History) with B.Ed 7800-780-11700 02. TGT (Hindi) MA (Hindi) with B.Ed 7800-780-11700 03.


JOBS IN ARMY GOODWILL SCHOOL, AHAGOM SHOPIAN Army goodwill school Ahagom shopian is looking for teachers jobs in English and Social Science. Interested candidates can send your resume on e.mail: agwsa38135@gmall.com Last date for submission of applications 10 May 2016. s. NO. POST NO. OF POSTS MINIMUM QUALIFICATION SUBJECTS REMARKS 1 Teacher 1 (One) Graduation
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