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Jobs in DKS Public School. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Teacher (a) BA, B.Sc, B Ed/M.Ed (b) M.A, M.Sc, B.Ed/M.Ed (MA-ENGLISH, M.Sc-Maths) Computer Teacher: BCA/MCA. How to apply: Apply on or before 30th April 2024. Contact No… 9906010628, 7051771279 For all
DKS PUBLIC SCHOOL PURMANDAL ROAD, BIRPUR STAFF REQUIRED (Nursery to 7th Class) 1. Teacher (General):- B.A., B.Sc., B.Ed./M.A. M.Sc. M.Ed. (Salary Rs 5000/Rs 5500) 2. Teacher (Art & Craft):- Graduation in Art and Craft. (Salary Rs. 4000) 3. Nursery Teacher:- NTT/ETT. (Salary Rs 4000) 4. Computer Operator/Teacher:- BCA/MCA (Salary Rs 5000/ Rs 6000) Sponsor Link