Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.
SKUAST Jammu Jobs recruitment 2022. Accounts Assistant /Cashier, Stenographer, Female Nurse vacancy. Last date 09 July 2022. SKUAST Jammu Jobs Recruitment Notice for Non-Teaching Positions Online applications are invited through the University website from the domiciles of UT of J&K for filling up of the following posts: Important notes: (i) Date of Commencement of
SKUAST Jammu Jobs Young Professional – II posts. SKUAST Jammu: Sher – e – Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu Applications on plain paper indicating name/permanent address/address for correspondence/mobile number /E-mail/date of birth/ recent passport size photograph, qualification (10th onward Indicating name of degree, Awardee institute, year of passing, marks obtained and
Jobs in Sher – e – Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu , SKUAST Recruitment Applications on plain paper indicating name/ permanent address /address for correspondence/ telephone number (if any)/ date of birth/ qualification and experience are invited from the candidates for the temporary position of JRF and Field Assistant in
Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu Division of Plant Breeding & GeneticsSKUAST JAMMU JOBS Applications on plain paper indicating name/permanent address/address for correspondence/ contact number / date of birth / qualification and experience are invited from the eligible candidates for the following temporary positions in Department of Bio-Technology (DBT), GOI funded
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kathua ( APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW Application on plain paper indicating name/ permanent address /address for correspondence/ telephone number (if any) / date of birth /qualification and experience are invited from candidates for the temporary position in the Adhoc project, as detailed