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Central University Jammu JRF Job Notification. Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following assignment in a purely time bound research project undertaken in the Department of Nanoscience and Materials of the University. Name of the Temporary Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- 01 Name of the Research Project : Ion beam induced modification
SKUAST Jammu Jobs Notification 2019. SKUAST Jammu engagement of contractual teacher/Faculty on academic arrangement. Applications are invited in the prescribed format, available on the university website, for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Statistics and Computer science, to teach UG courses of Faculty of Agriculture, for the Academic session 2019-20.
J&K High Court interview/Viva-voce for Class IV posts. The interview/Viva-voce of the eligible candidates of all the three divisions of the State, who have applied for the District Cadre posts of Class-IV in Subordinate Courts of the State, Advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2019 dated 10.01.2019, shall be conducted at their respective District Court
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