Tag: Jr. Scale Steno

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JKSSB Result of Steno Typist, Jr. Scale Steno, Urdu Typist.

JKSSB Result of Steno Typist, Jr. Scale Steno, Urdu Typist. Result annd Score Sheet JKSSB Result of Steno Typist, Jr. Scale Steno, Urdu Typist. JKSSB Result/Score-sheet of Written Test for the post of Steno Typist. JKSSB Result/Score-sheet of Written Test for the post of Jr. Stenographer/Jr. Scale Stenographer. JKSSB Result/Score-sheet of Written Test for the

JKSSB Syllabus for Steno typist, Jr Steno, Jr Scale Steno, Personal Assistant.

JKSSB Syllabus for Steno typist, Jr Steno, Jr Scale Steno, Personal Assistant. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Released the Syllabus for Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Steno typist, and Personal Assistant. Download JKSSB-STENO-TYPIST-Syllabus PDF JKSSB JE, SI written test schedule. JKSSB Syllabus for JE written test. JKSSB Syllabus for SI Sub-Inspector Written Test.

JKSSB Selection Lists for Jr. Pharmacist, Jr. Scale Steno.

JKSSB Selection Lists for Jr. Pharmacist, Jr. Scale Steno. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board Released the Selection list of  Junior Pharmacist(Dawasaz)” (Health and Medical Education Department) District Cadre,Kathua, “Junior Scale Stenographer”(Information Department) State Cadre. JKSSB Selection List. JKSSB Selection list of candidates for the post of “Junior Pharmacist(Dawasaz)” (Health and Medical Education Department) District

JKSSB Selection list of Jr. Assistant, Jr. Scale Steno, Punjabi Typist.

JKSSB Selection list of Jr. Assistant, Jr. Scale Steno, Punjabi Typist. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board Declared Selection list of Junior Assistant, Junior Scale Stenographer, Punjabi Typist. JKSSB Selection List of candidates for various items of Junior Assistant under Notification Nos 03 of 2016, 04 of 2016, 07 of 2015 and 04 of 2015

JKSSB Criteria for Selection and Syllabus for Jr. Scale Steno, Jr Assistant, Technical Assistant.

JKSSB Criteria for Selection and Syllabus for Jr. Scale Steno, Jr Assistant, Technical Assistant. JKSSB SSB Jk, Selection List, Junior Scale Stenographers, Junior Assistants , Technical Assistant. JKSSB Criteria for Selection for the posts of Junior Scale Stenographers and Junior Assistants and Syllabus for the post of Technical Assistant. JKSSB Notice to candidate whose recommendation
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