Tag: JRF jobs

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

SKUAST Kashmir Fresh JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir Fresh JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs applications are invited from the highly motivated and eligible candidates to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the project entitled “Circular economy approach to valorize the walnut shell (a major by-product of walnut industry of J&K)”sponsored by Department of Science &Technology. The position is purely on

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs applications are invited from the highly motivated and eligible candidates to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the project entitled “Circular economy approach to valorize the walnut shell (a major by-product of walnut industryof J&K)”spon sored by Department of Science &Technology. The position is purely on

Central University of Jammu JRF Jobs.

Central University of Jammu JRF Jobs. Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Fellow in IUAC Sponsored Research Project Applications in prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals for one temporary position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Fellow in the IUAC sponsored research project entitled “Ion beam induced defect engineering for thermoelectric applications (UFR-76304)” under the

University of Kashmir JRF Jobs.

University of Kashmir JRF Jobs in the Deptt of Bioresources. Applications are invited in the prescribed format (attached below) from the highly motivated and eligible candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF), against the post code 2-DBT advertised earlier (which stands cancelled due to poor response) under notification No. F. (Rec-DBT/ANRF)Biores/KU-24/1, dated. 23.10.

JRF Jobs in Jammu University.

JRF Jobs in Jammu University. Jammu University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for 01 (one) position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the project sanctioned by DST-SERB titled “Geochemical Fractionation, Partitioning and Health Implications of Heavy Metals in Urban Topsoils of Jammu City, India” for a period of one year initially (extendable as per

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir Application on plain paper is invited from eligible candidates for filling up the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Project Assistant available under the DBT funded project titled “Colletotrichum lindemuthianum transformant repository: From functional characterization of virulence genes to their role in bean anthracnose dialogue”. How to apply:

SKIMS Interview notice, JRF Jobs.

SKIMS Interview notice, JRF Jobs. For Important notification  click link below: *  INTERVIEW NOTICE : Post of Senior Resident Advertise vide Notice No. SIMS/ACAD/09 of 2023 Dated: 22/07/2023 (Dental Unit) ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE : JRF in ICMR Funded Project in the Department of Microbiology, SKIMS Important Link for Candidates appearing in  JKSSB Upcoming Exams. For all

JRF Jobs: Kashmir University Recruitment 2023.

JRF Jobs: Kashmir University Recruitment 2023. Jammu University Jobs applications on the prescribed format available on http://ciri.uok.edu.in/Main/Default.aspx are invited for walk-in-interview to be held on 18th May 2023 (Thursday) at 11:00 AM in the office chamber of the Coordinator, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research & Innovations (CIRI), the University of Kashmir for filling the position of

JRF Jobs in Cluster University Jammu.

JRF Jobs in Cluster University Jammu. Cluster University Jammu JRF Jobs invites applications from motivated and eligible Indian citizens for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF). For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. JRF jobs details. NAME OF POST NO. OF POSTS QUALIFICATION Junior Research Fellow
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