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Hotel Arison Luxury Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2025. SRINAGAR JOBS HOTEL ARISON SRINAGAR , the premium upcoming Hotel in Srinagar, requires the following staff for different positions: Jobs in Srinagar Hotel Arison Luxury Srinagar Jobs . Food & Beverage Manager (M/F) – 1 Post Candidate having good experience of managing all aspects of food and beverage
Hotel Heritage Luxury Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021 | walk in interview 3rd April 2021. Hotel Heritage Luxury Kashmir Jobs applicants must be able to work a flexible schedule with good knowledge of Hotel Industry having experience in the relevant field. Kashmir Hotel Jobs details. Name of the Posts : F&B SERVICE: 10 Posts HOUSEKEEPING: 10
Hotel Eden Resorts hiring Private Jobs Pahalgam Hotel Eden Resorts invite applicants to fill following positions for our unit at Movera, Rafting Point, Pahalgam. 1. Reservation Manager (Posting at Srinagar) 2 Nos (Female) (The Candidates should have experience in reputed hotel /Travel industry, will be operating from our Srinagar office) 2. Front Office Associate (FOA) 2 Nos