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KVS Jyotipuram jobs Recruitment 2021. Kendriya Vidyalaya Jyotipuram invites applications for PGT, TGT, Primary teachers, Activity Teachers, Coaches. For details regarding qualifications, Please refer the website https://kvsangathan.nic.in/administration/recruitment-rule. Application Form can be submitted through online Google Form, from 08.03.2021 to 16.03.2021. Link of the google form will be available at the official website https://jyotipuram.kvs.ac.in. Telegram: tx.me/jkalerts
Kendriya Vidyalaya KV Jyotipuram Jobs Recruitment various teaching positions KV Jytoipuram jobs details Walk-In-Interview for the following posts for prepare of the selection panel for appointment on Part Time / Contractual basis for the Session 2018-19. Interview date 25.09.2018 Time 2.00 PM 1. PGT (Chemistry) Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry/Bio Chemistry with 50% Marks and above
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA JYOTIPURAM District – REASI(J&K)-182312 Walk-in-interview 8/9/2016 for Appointment on Contractual basis for 2016-17 at 2:00 PM in the Office of the Principal for the following posts. Jobs Details PGT(Physics) M.Sc (Physics), B.Ed. with at least 50% marks and above PGT(Hindi) M.A(Hindi), B.Ed. with at least 50% marks and above PGT(Geography) M.A(Geography), B.Ed. with at