Tag: Lab Technician jobs

Latest jobs in Srinagar, Government, jobs Private jobs, JKssb Jobs in srinagr, Jkpsc Jobs JKbank jobs,
Part time jobs, Computer operator jobs, Jobs for Graduates,

NHM Hiring in District Early Intervention Center, (DEIC), G.B. Pant/Children Hospital, GMC, Srinagar,

NHM Hiring in District Early Intervention Center, (DEIC), G.B. Pant/Children Hospital, GMC, Srinagar Applications on the plane paper, duly affixed with passport size photograph, are invited from the eligible candidates of the permanent Residents of J&K State for walk-in interview for the following positions S.No. Name of the position No. of position(s) Eligibility Criteria Remuneration

Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences Research Assistant, Lab Technician jobs

Are you looking for Government jobs in Jammu and Kashmir. This is a great a opportunity  for eligible candidates to apply in J&K Government department. This time Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences invites the application  from eligible candidates, who should be permanent residents of J&K State, for filling up of the various posts The posts purely on temporary
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