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Wildlife Protection Ladakh recruitment 2020. Department of Wildlife Protection, Leh, UT of Ladakh wishes to engage people for the positions mentioned below for project sanctioned under National Mission for Himalayan Studies and for working with Department of Wildlife Protection (on purely contractual basis) Shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview. How to apply Interested
NHM Jobs in Ladakh Health and Medical Education Department. Ladakh recruitment 2020. Applications are invited on behalf of Health and Medical Education Department UT-Ladakh, for contractual posts of Medical Officers and Consultants as mentioned in (annexure I), under NHM Programme as per the permissibility vacant posts approved under ROP (NHM) for the year 2020-21,vide No:
DSE Ladakh +2 Lecturers Recruitment 2020, Total 85 Posts. DSE Ladakh Temporary Engagement of postgraduate candidates as +2 Lecturers purely on Academic Arrangement basis for the Academic session 2020 in the UT of Ladakh. In view of requirement of lecturers in the Higher Secondary Schools, applications on prescribed format annexed as Anncxure “A” are invited
50000 Vacancies in Government to be filled on priority largest single recruitment drive ever in Jammu & Kashmir or Ladakh. Satya Pal Malik today announced major employment package for the State youth saying 50,000 vacancies will be filled in next two to three months which will be in addition to recruitment in Army, Central Armed