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Trikuta College of Education Jobs. Applications are invited from eligible candidates which should reach College in person or through Email before 30th November 2023 against the post mentioned below:- Name of the post: Principal Lecturer in Education, Hindi, Science, Maths, Commerce Librarian Office Assistant Driver (Bus) Address: Nardni Raipur, Bantalab Road, Jammu Ph: 7006394149, Email:
Lecturer Jobs in Bhargava College Of Education, Samba. Lecturer Jobs in Bharagava College of Education applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Lecturer in Education Qualification: MA Education with B.Ed/MA in Social Science
Jobs in Poonch College of Education Principal, Lecturer, Librarian posts. Poonch J&K Jobs in Poonch College of Education. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Poonch College of Education Jobs Details: NAME OF THE POST QUALIFICATION 01. Principal Ph.D Education with ten years teaching experience. 02. Lecturer
Bhargava College of Education Jobs Recruitment 2022 Lecturer, Accountant, Accounts Assistant Computer Assistant Posts. Bhargava College of Education Jobs. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: Eligible candidates may submit their resume and documents in the college Office or email at – bcoe2001@gmail.com within 10
Bhargava College Of Education Samba Jobs Recruitment 2020. Teaching Non-Teaching Jobs in Samba. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following Posts: How to apply Eligible candidates may submit their resume and documents in the college Office or email at bhargavacollegeofeducation@gmail.com within 7 days from the publication of this notice. Note:- Preference will
KALRA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION RECRUITMENT Applications are invited from the eligible candidates with complete bio-data alongwith relevant documents and latest passport size photograph for the following posts so as to reach the office within 10 days of this notice. Kalra College of Education Jobs Details Name of the post Lecturer in Education Qualification :: P.G. in