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Jobs in Col. Mohar Singh Memorial Public School. Coordinator(Qualification- PGT) Computer Teacher versed in English and Hindi typing. (BCA/Diploma in Computers) Art and Craft teacher (Part time) Music Teacher (Part time) Physical Education Teacher (Part time)(B. P. Ed) General Line teachers for primary classes ( Trained Graduates) Teachers for English, Hindi, General Science and S.
CMSM Public School, Maralia, Miran Sahib Jammu Jobs Private jobs Jammu : CMSM Public School Jammu Invites applications from interested eligible candidates for the post of Teacher. Salary Negotiable. Teacher Required in Jammu Name of the Post Teacher (Female ) Experienced female teachers required for teaching English and Science to classes up to 10th. Advertisement
Teachers Required Urgenlty Col. Mohar Singh Memorial Public School, Maralia (Miran Sahib) requires teachers for teaching Hindi and English to classes up to 10th. The candidate must be at least a trained graduate and experienced enough to teach high classes. Name of the post Teacher For teaching Hindi and English to classes up to 10th.