Private jobs in Jammu and Kashmir, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results, Alerts and updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.
PLACEMENT DRIVE UNDER UDAAN AT Central University of Kashmir The Central Placement Cell of the Central University of Kashmir in collaboration with Experis IT and its partners is organising a training cum placement drive under centrally sponsored project UDAAN for the job aspirants with IT background particularly JOBS FOR IT BACKGROUND CANDIDATES BCA, MCA, B.Sc
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri ON SPOT COUNSELING CUM ADMISSION AUGUST 22, 2016 at 10 a.m Few seats are available in the following programmes. 1-MCA 2. M. Sc. IT 3. MBA 4. M. Sc. Comp. Sciences 5. MBA Hospitality & Tourism 6. MA Economics 7. M. Sc. Applied Mathematics 8. MA English 9. MA Arabic 10.
TECHNOLOGY JOBS FOR J&K YOUTH IL&FS, in Collaboration with AcadGild of USA, invites Computer Engineers, BCA,MCA, B.Sc IT, M.Sc IT, 3 Year Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Sciences from J&K to attend screening interviews for Career linked opportunities in Android Development, Front End Development, Big Data Development, Digital Marketing, and many such highend Software development programmes.
Job : Web Designer Jobs Details : Experience min 1 Year The candidate should have extensive experience in web designing Expert In : HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, Ul DESIGN PHOTOSHOP Qualification : MCA, BCA, B.TECH, A-LEVEL, B-LEVEL Contact details National IT Solution: Send Your Updated CV @ Location : Numan Plaza Karan nagar-Srinagar Near National