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Tawi Automobiles Jobs Recruitment 2021. Jammu Jobs: Tawi Automobiles Authorized Dealers for Hero Motocorp national highway Digiana Jammu Tawi automobiles Jammu jobs details Mechanic for assembling and repairing of hero bikes/scooter having minimum 5 years experience Helper to mechanic having minimum 1 year experience in two wheeler. Interested candidates can send their bio-data to hr@durgadistribution.com
Jobs in Royal Automobiles Channi Rama Narwal Jammu J&K Private Jobs in Jammu J&K : Sales manager, Sales Executive, Tele Caller/ Receptionist, Work shop Supervisor, Mechanic Jobs Jammu. Royal Automobiles Jammu Invites application for various posts. Interested and eligible candidates looking for jobs in Jammu can walk in for interview between 24 feb to 26
Jobs in R A ENFIELD Authorised Dealer of Royal Enfield R A Enfield requires young and dynamic candidates for below mentioned vacancies:- Jobs Details 1. Sales Executive – 04 No’s (Male) & 02 No’s (Female) 2. Event Manager – 01 No. (Male) 3. Mechanic – 02 No. (Male) 4. Floor supervisor – 01 No. (Female)