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Mount Litera Zee School Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 various teaching non-teaching posts. J&K Mount Litera Zee School Jammu Jobs Interested eligible candidates can apply below-given posts. Invites Applications for Session 2022-23 for the following vacancies. Post Name Qualification / Experience Teachers (ALL SUBJECTS) PRT/TGT/PGT with B.Ed having minimum 4 years of teaching experience. Phy. Edu.
Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment. Private Jobs in Jammu update.MLZS Jammu Invites application for various Teaching Non-teaching Posts. How to apply MLZS. Please send your C.V along with 02 passport size photographs with all testimonials at School Office at Tarore or at mlzs.jammu@gmail.com before 19-10-2020 (Monday) between 9 am to 2 pm.
Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020. ZEE School Jammu invites applications for various vacant positions for Session 2020-21 are as following. Private Jammu Jobs. Teachers (PRTs, TGTs, PGTs) Graduate/Post Graduate with B.Ed. having minimum 2 years of Teaching Experience (all Subjects). Art & Craft Teacher Graduate/Post Graduate in visual and fine Arts.
Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019. ZEE School Jammu invites application for various teaching and Non-teachings posts. How to apply. Please send your C.V along with 02 passport size photographs with all testimonials at school office at Tarore or at mlzs.jammu@gmail.com before 21.09.2019 (Saturday) between 9 am to 2 pm. NOTE: Computer
FRESH JOBS IN MOUNT LITERA ZEE SCHOOL MZLS Jammu Jobs. MLZS Invites application for various Teaching and Non-teaching posts. MLZS Jobs Details. INVITES APPLICATION FOR 1. Academic Co-ordinator: Qualified and minimum 2-3 yrs experience of coordinator ship in a CBSE school. 2. Kindergarten Co-ordinator: NTT Qualified and minimum 2 yrs experience of coordinator ship of
Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019. Zee school Jammu invites Applications for Session 2019-20 for various vacancies. Jammu Zee School Jobs Details Teacher TGT with B.Ed having minimum 4 years of teaching experience. PGT (English/Hindi/Science/Maths/Computers) with B.Ed. having minimum 4 years of teaching experience. Phy.Edu. Teacher M.PEd./ B.P .Ed. with minimum 3
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MOUNT LITERA ZEE SCHOOL MLZS JAMMU RECRUTIMENT, Private Jobs Jammu , MLZS invites application for various Teaching non teaching jobs. JKalerts.com is one of the best Online Portal for Jobs updates in J&K, you can download our android app to get all latest updates on your mobile Download Now . Jkalerts.com will provide you the complete information