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National College Of Education NCE Jammu jobs. | Principal, Lecturers posts | Last date 30 Nov 21. NCE Jammu Jobs: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts. NCE Jammu Jobs Details: Principal : M.A./M.Sc with M.Ed with minimum 55% marks. Ph.D. in Education, minimum 10 years teaching experience. Lecturers in Education :
National College of Education NCE Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts: How to apply Interested candidates may apply on or before 27/11/2020 by post or through email at nce2001jamwalgroup@gmail.com | NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Purkhoo Camp, Domana, Jammu, J&K Ph. Nos. 9086714708, 9419224708, 0191-2604464, 2604032
National College of Education NCE Jammu Jobs. NCE Jammu Invites applications for Principal and Assistant Professor Jobs in Jammu. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts Principal: Ph.D in Education, M.A. / M.Sc with M.Ed with min. 55% marks. Atleast 15 years teaching experience. Assistant Professor in Education: PG in Social Sciences