Tag: New Campus

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NIELIT Teaching Assistant, Teaching Faculty Jobs.

NIELIT Teaching Assistant, Teaching Faculty Jobs. Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for selection/empanelment power for Onsite Training (Teaching up to 4 hrs. per day), purely on Short Term Contract Basis for deployment at Udhampur/Rajouri/Akhnoor/Gharota(Jammu)/Samba/Ganderbal/Baramulla/ Anantnag /Shopian/ Kulgam Kupwara in J&K, Teaching Assistant@15,000/- per course Teaching Faculty@25,000/- per course Complete details regarding prescribed

NIELIT Jobs Recruitment 2023

NIELIT Jobs Recruitment 2023 Sakhi Niwas Manager, Sakhi Niwas Warden jobs NIELIT Jobs applications are invited on behalf of client department from interested and eligible FEMALE candidates for selection/empanelment of manpower for the following posts, purely on contract basis, in U.T. of J&K :- 1. Sakhi Niwas Manager @ 14,000/- pm 2. Sakhi Niwas Warden

NIELIT Jammu and Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2023.

NIELIT Jammu and Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2023. | Programme Manager, Programme Officers, AO, Accountant, Data Entry Operator. NIELIT Jammu and Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited on behalf of the client department from interested and eligible candidates for selection/empanelment of manpower for the following posts, purely on contract basis, in U.T. of J&K:- For regular Jobs,

NIELIT Admission Notice For NSQF Aligned Skill Courses.

NIELIT Admission Notice For NSQF Aligned Skill Courses. NIELIT Providing Quality Education & Services since 1983 Free For SC/ST Candidates / Admissions on First Come First Serve Basis. Note: Fee payable in Instalments For more detail Please Visit: www.nielit.gov.in/srinagar Contact:  Jammu: NIELIT Jammu, New Campus University of Jammu, Jammu Contact: 0191-2455515, 9419061148 Email: — sarita@nielit.gov.in

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 10th and 12th.

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 10th and 12th. This is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates bearing the following Roll No’s pertaining to Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) & Higher Secondary Part-II Class 12th) Bi-Annual 2021-22 of Kashmir Division, who are alleged to have resorted to use of Unfairmeans /Misconduct

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 12th.

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 12th. This is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates bearing the following Roll No’s pertaining to Higher. SecondaryExamination Part-II (Class 12th) Bi-Annual 2021-22 of Kashmir Division, who are alleged to have resorted! to use of unfair means/Misconduct etc is afforded an opportunity to present themselves

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 10th.

JKBOSE disposal of Unfairmeans/Misconduct cases of Class 10th. This is notified for the Information of all the concerned candidates bearing the following Roll No’s pertaining to Secondary SchoolExamination (Class 10th) BI Annual 2021-22 of Kashmir Division who are alleged to have resorted to using of unfair means/Misconduct etc. is afforded an opportunity to present themselves
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