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GMC Kathua Recruitment 2020. GMC Kathua walk in interview Demonstrator in various disciplines of GMC Kathua. GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE KATHUA WALK-IN INTERVIEW NOTICE FOR DEMONSTRATOR Applications are invited from Non-PSC doctors for the tenure posts of Demonstrator in various disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Kathua for a maximum period of two years. Walk-in-interview will be
New Government Medical College GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2019. Various posts. GMC Kathua Invites application for Professor and Associate Professor posts. New GMC Kathua Jobs notification for engagement of faculty members on academic arrangement basis under SRO-24 of 2019 dated 10.01.2019 in New Government Medical College, Kathua In terms of SRO-24 of 2019 dated 10.01.2019, Applications