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ECHS Fresh Jobs Polyclinic, Samba. Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) invites applications to engage following staff on contractual basis in ECHS Polyclinic, Samba for a period of one year renewable for additional period of one year/till attaining the maximum age subject to performance of candidate/other conditions according to the criteria as mentioned against each post:-
Medical Officer, Date Entry Operator, Nursing Assistant jobs in ECHS. Medical Officer, Date Entry Operator (DEO), Nursing Assistant (General) Jobs in ECHS Srinagar invites applications to engage following Para Medical and Non Medical Staff on contractual basis in ECHS Polyclinic, Srinagar for a period of one year renewable for additional period of one year/ till
ECHS Polyclinic, Leh, Ladakh jobs. | Medical Officer, Dental Officer, Nursing Assistant, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist, Driver posts. ECHS Polyclinic, Leh, Ladakh invites application to engage persons for the following posts on contractual basis for a period of eleven months:- For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Appointment
APS Miran Sahib Jobs Recruitment 2022. J&K Army Public School APS Miran Sahib Jobs Interested and eligible candidates can apply job details are given below. Name of the Posts : Teaching (Fixed Term) TGT (Mathematics, Hindi, Social Science, PHE) PRT (All Subjects, Dance Teacher, Computer Teacher) Non-Teaching Staff (Fixed Term) Computer Lab Technician Nursing Assistant
APS Nagrota Jobs Recruitment 2022. J&K Army Public School APS Nagrota jobs: LSB interview for academic session 2022-23 for the following posts and vacancies in Army Public School Nagrota (J&K) are scheduled to be held at APS Nagrota:- Post Essential Qualification TEACHING STAFF TGTs- Hindi. English, SSt. Mathematics Graduate (with the subject in which employment
APS Nagrota Jobs Recruitment 2021. ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL NAGROTA RECRUITMENT THROUGH LSB (LOCAL SELECTION BOARD) ON ADHOC BASIS APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING POST AT APS NAGROTA. APS Nagrota jobs details. Post Name Nursing Assistant 01 Qualification 10+2 and diploma in nursing with minimum five years of experience. Preferably female. How to apply Application
Army Public School APS Nagrota Jobs Recruitment 2020. RECRUITMENT OF TEACHING STAFF, NON TEACHING STAFF & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF THROUGH LSB (LOCAL SELECTION BOARD) CONTRACTUAL ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL NAGROTA (J&K) LSB interview for academic session 2020-21 on contractual basis for the following posts and vacancies in Army Public School Nagrota (J&K) is scheduled to be held
ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL APS NAGROTA RECRUITMENT 2018-19 REQUIRES STAFF THROUGH LSB FOR THE SESSION 2018-19 1 PGT (Eng & Math) Post Graduation in the subject & B.Ed with min 50% marks in each 2 PGT (Fine Art) Master degree in Fine Art (with Painting specialization) 3 PGT (PHE) M.R Ed 4 TGT (Eng, Math, Hindi &
ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL, APS NAGROTA WALK-IN-INTERVIEW APS Nagrota Jobs Details Name of post TGT Qualification: Graduate in the subject and (English) B.Ed with 50% marks in each. Name of post Nursing Assistant Qualification: B.Sc Nursing with experience in the field. Interview Schedule On 14 JUL 2017 AT 0900 hrs Application fee Rs 100/- How to