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Computer Teacher, Counsellor, Office Boy Jobs Jammu. Computer Teacher, Counsellor, Office Boy at Computer Institute Contact: 7006868238
Various Jobs in JMC Group Jammu. Jobs in JMC GROUP Details: 1. OFFICE ASSISTANT: No. of posts: 3 FEMALE Minimum Qualification: GRADUATE+ 2 YEARS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MUST 2. MARKETING EXECUTIVE: No. of posts: 35 M/F Qualification: 12th with minimum 2 years experience of field marketing.3. TELECALLER- FEMALE No. of posts: 7 Qualification: 12TH with minimum
JMCT OPC Pvt Ltd. Jobs Recruitment 2021. REQUIREMENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGER: No. of posts: 5 M/F Minimum Qualification: MBA Finance. Salary: 15k to 20k plus incentives plus tour expenses. TEAM LEADER: No. of posts: 9 M/F Minimum Qualification: Graduation with minimum 1 year experience Salary: 12k to 15k plus incentives plus other benefits. MARKETING EXECUTIVE: No.
Jai Maa Chandi Trading Company Jammu Jobs. Jai Maa Chandi Trading Company Jammu Recruitment for Various Posts regarding- (Finance). Jai Maa Chandi Trading Company Jammu Jobs Details. 1. Office Assistant Female cum Telecaller: Minimum Graduate having experience of 2 years of all office related work and computer knowledge is compulsory = 4 No. 2. Team
Jai Maa Chandi Trading Company Jobs. Recruitment for Various Posts regarding- (Finance) Office Assistant cum Telecaller(Female only): Minimum Graduate having experience of all office related work,calling and computer knowledge is compulsory = 4 No. Marketing Executive: 27 no.(M/F both) Freshers are also welcome but only deserving ones. Minimum 12th and above can apply. Our Marketing