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Sant Hare Ram Dass Public School Jobs Jammu School Jobs: SANT HARE RAM DASS PUBLIC SCHOOL MANDAL, invites applications from trained and experienced candidates with a good academic record, excellent communication skills and proficiency in IT & co – curricular activities for the following positions:- 1. Teaching Positions TGT: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi,
International Delhi Public School Akhnoor Jobs. International Delhi Public School Akhnoor Jobs IDPS Jobs. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Headmistress Candidate having an experience of atleast 05 years in an administrative position. PGTs Commerce & Humanities: Masters and B.Ed. in the
Unique public Sr. Sec. School Jammu Jobs. J&K Unique Public School requires Headmaster, Academic Coordinator, Driver, Office clerk, Lab Assistant and Helpers. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Headmaster: Trained Post Graduate
Jobs in Ibni Sina Hospital Accountant, Computer Operator, Ofice clerk, Cook, Canteen Helper. Ibni Sina Hospital required a computer Operator, Office clerk, Cook, Canteen Helper. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Ibni Sina Hospital Jobs
Jobs in Ibni Sina Hospital Computer Operator/Office clerk/Cook/Canteen Helper Ibni Sina Hospital required a computer Operator, Office clerk, Cook, Canteen Helper. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post : Computer Operator Vacancy: 2
Accountant, Site Engineer, Office Clerk Jobs in Jammu. Various Private Jobs in Jammu. Accountant vacancy (1) experience required: 10 to 30 years. Site Engineer for road works (1) experience required: 5 to 30 years Office Clerk experience required(1): 5 to 30 years Mobile no.7006610577 Email id:-asgernadeem@gmail.com ADDRESS: Makkah Masjid Chowk, Bathindi, Jammu.
MV International School Recruitment 2020. MV International School Jammu Jobs Details. a. Only those candidates who have proficiency in English and Computers should apply. b. Protection of current salary with increments and fee concessions to wards. c. Working couples and EX-Servicemen can also apply. d. Only short-listed candidates will be called for Interview on Thursday
Air Force School Jammu Recruitment 2018 Jobs in Air Force School, Jammu : Interested candidates may download application form for follownig posts PGT (English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physical & Health Education, Economics, Business Studies/ Accountancy), TGT (COMP), TGT (Mathematics, Social Science, English, Hindi, Music, Art & Craft), PRT,NTT, HEALTH & WELNESS TEACHER,OFFICE CLERK,LAB ATTENDANT,
Jobs in New Green Land Senior Secondary School Srinagar Green Land Senior Secondary School Srinagar invites applications from interested eligible candidates. INterested candidates along with two passport size photographs along with adhaar card, pan card & testimonials should be attached with registration form by or before 20 OCT. 2017. Jkalerts.com will provide you the complete
DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL UDHAMPUR (Under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society. New Delhi) AFFILIATED TO CBSE, NEW DELHI CODE NO.730061 An English Medium Co-educational School ANNOUNCES REGISTRATION & ADMISSION FOR THE SESSION 2015-16 For Classes Pre-Nur to XII Prospectus Forms are available at the School Office between 09:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. from Monday